Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I'm still alive! Sheesh, this baby stuff is draining! Some days I don't even get to shower and get dressed until the afternoon! It is way more busy than I ever thought it would be! I feel so drained both physically and emotionally some days, I just don't want to get out of bed! Good thing this little guy is so cute!

Darren is growing like crazy! He weighed 6.3lbs when we left the hospital, over the last 3 weeks he has grown to 8.7lbs. He's eating about 3ounces at every feeding.

He is really working hard at holding his head up. I call him my bobble head turtle. :)

He is still wearing newborn clothes and diapers.

He loves to stare at things. His favorite things to stare at are our faces, his turtles on his mobile, his bugs on his rocker seat, and things on the wall. It is adorable!

I think he has finally figured out day and night time! He was having a hard time at first, wanting to be awake while we want to sleep! But he's doing much better with being awake for short periods of time during the day and sleeping after he eats at night.

He is really a good baby. He doesn't mind when I change him, or give him baths, or strap him in the car seat. He really only gets fussy when he wants to eat or he's having gas.

He has one eye that has a clogged tear duct...not fun! And he started getting that baby acne. Cruel world!

He loves to be cuddled and loves laying in bed with us. He loves being walked around so he can check things out.

It has been so much fun having him! JD and I just can't get enough of him!


What's up with the Walkers! said...

Wow you are so much better at blogging then me1 I'm not even taking pictures of Garrett and you've got video! My poor baby won't have any memories recorded...I need to follow your example better! So cute!

Sheridy said...

Megan Congradulations!! I'm so happy for 2 reasons 1 you got your baby!!! 2 you blog a whole lot more!! I love seeing what is going on in your life. Good luck on catching up on your sleep.

Darrell said...

OK I'm jealous, having gone straight to almost a 6 year old, we missed all of the newborn stuff and everything in between that memories are made of. I always knew that the two of you would make great parents.