Sunday, April 5, 2009


It makes me feel like I'm regenerated for the next 6 months!

I am so grateful for the technology that we have (especially being able to watch it in my pjs :) )
I was looking at the and you can listen to conference online in 60 different languages! How cool is that???
I love our prophet! He has such a fun personality and amazing spirit. He makes me want to be stronger, to have more faith, to love more, be more forgiving....all in all...just a better-happier person.

I am excited about getting the Ensign when the talks come out! That is the best! Sure, I get some inspiration watching the speakers...but with the Ensign I can study it out and really ponder on the things that have been spoken to us, for us.
Well, I hope you are enjoying this conference session!!!

Love you all!

PS...I lost my until pictures. Scary! Cause I ain't no good wit them words an stuff.


Jenny said...

I am with you Megan!! I love conference. Thank you for keeping the faith! I love you.

Bailey Family said...

You know I'm a big fan of watching it in my pj's myself, (while cooking Breakfast) yep on of the best inventions ever, right up there next to the microwave, I couldn't do with out that. So glad I'm not a pioneer!!